Friday, September 10, 2010

Hip Hop @ NZ AIMS

Two students from Room 1 are a part of our schools Hip hop group that traveled over to Tauranga to compete at NZ AIMS. Here is some footage of their routine:

CONGRATULATIONS to all the crew for coming 4th in the competition!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Story Time: building confidence for speeches

Students in Room 1 are practicing speaking in front of an audience, building confidence and using expression when they speak. Each week they choose a picture book to share with their group, they practice reading it with expression at home and then bring it to school to read aloud.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


By now you should be thinking about how you are going to present your speech and practicing in front of friends, family and the mirror! Here are the speech finalists from 2009, are there any tips you can pick up from these fine citizens?