Thursday, June 17, 2010

Architecture Study

Wow, what a busy term!! Here are some examples of the work students have been doing in class.

Students learned about famous structures around the world, why are they famous and what do they think is magnificent about their chosen building/structure. They then created some 3D pop out art to accompany their information. It looks absolutely stunning!
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Friday, June 11, 2010

FINLAY PARK Statistics

As part of our Statistics Unit this term, students did a statistical investigation on Year 8 Camp at Finlay Park.

They were told to think outside the "favourite activity" question and students chose more meaningful topics such as "how did you get up the hill?". Yes, it sounds rather random, but doing a 1.5km run up and down a hill 3 days in a row at 7am in the morning leaves an impression on our students.
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