Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Term 4 - Forensics

Room 1 is learning about forensics and the many things involved in forensic science.

Before we started learning about forensic science, students did a brainstorm of all key words they knew already. Here is a wordle to show their ideas.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


At the end of Term 3 Miriwera (Melville) hosted an action packed evening for parents and the community showcasing our tamariki's artistic and musical talents. Room 2 students entered all three categories and came 1st in the group category; 2nd in the class category and 3rd in the individuals. The Year 8 and Year 7 teachers even performed!! Here is the video presentation submitted by Rm 2...they are sooooooooo talented! Enjoy.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Waikato Te Awa

Our main topic for Term 3 was learning about the history of Waikato River or "WAIKATO TE AWA". Part of our reading programme was a Maori myth telling the origins of how the river was formed. The myth is called "The River that Ran Away". It is a delightful story about Tongariro and Taupiri growing up together and then parting when marriage took Taupiri to a new home. Taupiri became ill and felt the waters from her homeland could heal her. She sent her servant to retrieve water from Tongariro mountain. Tongariro created a crevice from which a small stream began its journey back to Taupiri. This stream became a river known as Waikato te Awa. This artwork showcases Room 2 students interpretation of a snipet of the story. They then wrote a blurb about their representations. The overall effect is stunning and sits proudly on display in the classroom. Titiro mai!

Geometric Shapes

Room 2 students have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. At the end of our geometry unit, they used this knowledge to create artshapes using crayon and dye. The class display looks fantastic. Here are some outstanding examples.